Benefits of Women Truck Drivers

As our last blog discussed, women have been driving big trucks as amateurs (whatever needs being done on farms or ranches) and professionally (paid to drive hauling trucks) since the very early 1900’s. Some of them achieved a fame and notoriety akin to Calamity Jane, and were hired even as test drivers for large truck manufacturing companies.

Here at Great Western Transportation, our trucking jobs use women drivers routinely from coast to coast and driving all kinds of rigs—including the really big boy oversize loads.

From our research, here are some of the benefits of having women driving your loads from where you want them picked up to where you want them dropped off, through historic snow storms to Death Valley desert heat and everything between.


  • Omnitracs did a study in turnover in trucking and women exhibit lower turnover in both driving and management. They stay with companies longer than men, which means you’re saving money as it takes considerable budgets to onboard and train new talent.
  • Women actually get more experience on the road then men, as measured in the critical yardstick of miles driven. They drive more miles per time period than men on average, which means you get your goods delivered faster.
  • Women are the safest drivers, according the American Transport Research Institute. Compared to men, women are 71% less likely to have a reckless incident or negligent incident, 56% less likely to have a seat belt violation, and 58% and 59% less likely to run a red light or be convicted of speeding 1- 15 miles over a posted speed limit.
January 25, 2023 | | Category: General

Women in our Driver’s Trucking Force

Big rig driving is a profession that women are entering at a record-setting pace, and we here at Great Western Transportation are pleased and proud to have among our drivers across the country many women. Read more ›

January 12, 2023 | | Category: General

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year

While our headquarters is in northern California in the Bay Area, we are closely networked into trucking outfits and businesses needing freight hauling all across the country – from Los Angeles to Kansas City up to Boston and down to Miami. Every city and town in the continental U.S. is covered by our networking, and so we are in a kind of hub center for the weather patterns of the U.S. Our area was hit before Christmas by a huge very wet, windy (like a good blowing gail) storm that stretched up the west coast and dropped feet of snow in the Sierras and moved on eastward.

Now a historically massive winter storm hit the Midwest and east coast over the Christmas weekend with super cold temperatures going down as far as Texas, heavy snows and high winds and off the great Lakes houses were entirely covered in otherworldly skins of thick, wind-blown snow ice.

Nearly 80 lives have been lost in this great storm, and cities like Buffalo, NY, are still digging out of the record-setting blizzard.

Flatbed trucking, heavy hauling and refrigerated loads virtually ground to a halt in many Midwest and east coast areas for a few days, and fortunately no truckers were hurt or lost in this deadly storm that spread across dozens of states. Trucking drivers and equipment were tested in the severe cold, snow and wind conditions as they got caught in situations they couldn’t avoid. And those that could rode it out in shelter.

We remained open and helping shippers getting their loads going as much as possible during the storm. And now there’s a lot of catch up to do.

For all the truckers out there and the companies that need their talented services, we wish you Happy Holidays and Happy New Year for 2023 and may it be a year of good fortune for all in the trucking industry.

December 25, 2022 | | Category: Flatbed, Heavy Haul, Refrigerated Trucking

What’s Moving For the Holidays in Trucking

Flatbed trucking and heavy hauling rigs are carrying megatons of holiday goods, and building supplies and equipment across the country as the 2022 holiday season unfolds. The same with refrigerated trucking shipping frozen and chilled goods to keep grocery store chilled shelves stocked with everything we need for celebratory meals.

In these last two weeks of 2022 Great Western Transport is an important part of the great hauling push for the holidays. Our staff is here to facilitate your shipping with expertise, unmatched responsibility, competitive pricing and good cheer.

With big snows dropping on the east coast states, and a big storm that just swept through northern California with heavy snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains and moving east to the Rockies, trucking companies are doing their best to keep shipments moving against big weather.

Our rigs and drivers are prepared for all the conditions one can expect in a winter that’s brewing up some massive storms. Communication is vital and we’re on top of staying in close touch with our drivers as they make their way cross highways, roads and streets hit by blizzards to tornadoes.

Of note in this Christmas season hauling is that the U.S. Capitol Christmas tree, a 78-foot length of beautiful red spruce living timber, was hauled from the National Forests of North Carolina to the west lawn of the capitol building in Washington D.C. by a husband and wife team out of North Carolina. The tree shepherded by the driving duo made many stops around North Carolina to show off the spruce for families and well-wishers. A nice bit of hauling, that.

Get in touch with us right away if you need any kind of flatbed, heavy hauling or refrigerated freighting in these final two weeks of the holidays. We can handle all your immediate or longer term shipping needs.

December 14, 2022 | | Category: Flatbed, Heavy Haul

Thanksgiving For Flatbed Trucking and Heavy Hauling Drivers

The flatbed trucking, refrigerated trucking and heavy hauling that we perform for our clients across the continental states; there is no stopping on Thanksgiving. And this, of course, applies to all trucking outfits in the industry. It applies to days leading up to this warm, sharing holiday or the days immediately after. Imagine how many drivers were on the road hauling turkeys, sides and desserts for the Thanksgiving feasting for hundreds of millions of people, or delivering goods that had to get somewhere on time for post-Thanksgiving Black Friday and Cyber Monday retail sales. It is these drivers and their equipment that keep big holidays and big sales happening for all of us.

In a matter of speaking our drivers (and those of the entire industry) literally drive a huge segment of the U.S. economy. Alongside of hauling products, dry and chilled goods, there’s tens of thousands of tons of heavy equipment or supplies needing delivery for projects from California to Connecticut. Day and night, day after day drivers in their rigs are delivering the nuts and bolts of our consumer economy, and this is part of what we need to be thankful for.

Thanksgiving on the road—though a Lone Ranger kind of holiday as you’re generally alone with your rig—can still be celebrated with video chatting with love ones and a good Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant or diner. The road is about the best place to give thanks for all the circumstances and people who make drivers’ lives ones of well being, fulfillment and camaraderie.

Here at Great Western Transportation, we’d like take this Thanksgiving to express our appreciation for all the drivers whose work is to deliver for our clients everyday of the year—doing their work with pride, ethics and intelligence.

And we also have deep thanks for all of our clients who utililize our services—both established clients who use us year after year, and new customers just joining us.

As the holiday season is rushing up to us, please keep us at GW Transportation in mind for all of your flatbed, heavy hauling and chilled freight trucking.

November 24, 2022 | | Category: General

Continued: Traits You Want to See in Flatbed Trucking Drivers

We’re continuing our discussion from late last month on the best traits for trucking drivers. Companies needing hauling know that the driver is the most important cog in the wheel of getting freight or machinery or chilled items from here to there. When the first trucks came out of the auto industry in the early 1900’s, it was the drivers who made them viable, who fixed them en route, who became masters of road types and terrains and the can-do spirit we see and look for in today’s drivers.

Today, of course, long or short hauling with flatbeds or heavy hauling or refrigerated units is a different beast than 120 years ago. Yet, the driver as an industrious, smart, wanting-to-learn-more, doing the job right kind of man or woman is still the poster person of the industry. The trucks are important, and powerful, and high tech, but it’s the drivers who make it all go as it should—with safety, skills, smoothness and delivery responsibility.

Below are more traits in drivers we work with here at Great Western Transportation.

Pride in Work: Freight on the road has a look, a look of being well tended, professionally secured, responsibly tidy, or not. The best drivers are proud of their work and work product. They know every load reflects on them for the work they’ve done or the work they signed off on. When there’s pride in work in action by men or women drivers, there’s far less chance of loss of reputation, damage or other untoward circumstances.

The Adventure of the Open Road: Flatbed hauling or heavy haul trucking are jobs of many moving parts, many of them out in the open, on the road. Situations, conditions and weather can change on a dime. In fast changing open road situations, you want drivers that possess the sense of adventure to look at challenges as opportunities to bring all their can-do spirit and expertise to bear in solving the challenges. Get out of the cab, get geared up and solve the problem whether it’s personally or getting the right people out to do it. These are the kinds of drivers we work with – adventurous natured.

November 10, 2022 | | Category: Flatbed, General, Heavy Haul

The Traits You Want to See in Flatbed Trucking Drivers

Flatbed Trucking Drivers

There are three critically important parts to superb flatbed trucking services across the country, no matter where you live. These are a very competent driver, well maintained and monitored flatbed hauling rigs, and an excellent management team overseeing the sum of all the parts. This is our driving (pun) philosophy at Great Western Transportation.

In terms of actual tires on the road and goods moving, the most important element is the driver. He or she is responsible for all the details of the truck, the load and pickup, following the rules of the road, driving the route and taking care of whatever comes along, and the delivery – all of this on time.

Here at Great Western Transportation our drivers are very important. And they meet certain criteria and exhibit qualities that we feel our customers should know about.

So, what are the qualities of a good flatbed rig driver?

Decision making and Initiative: the ability to take initiative in all occasions and events on the run. This is from decision making to a calm confidence and taking on the job that needs to be done.

Expertise: from the actual driving to securing the freight to effective communication to all the personnel involved in each run; from knowing how to manage their time on the run to personal alertness and conscientiousness.

To be continued in the next blog…

October 28, 2022 | | Category: Flatbed

Take Advantage of This Season’s Low Trucking Prices

Dry Freight Hauling

Whether you’re hauling goods cross country or from an industrial park in one part of the city to a destination cross town, you’re looking for the best price you can get. We always offer personal pricing to our customers, and with this upcoming season being impacted by an inflation-plagued economy (which impacts the demand for trucking services) our prices are even better to look at.

The holiday shipping season is upon us and we’re ready to move your holiday goods on time and on budget, with safe, secure transport. Whether you’re a large company with hundreds of shipments planned to multiple destinations, or a small business needing to haul a partial load, our team is here to work with your exact needs.

We are particularly smart and affordable in helping you with less-than-truckload shipping—and we can work fast, turning on a dime to get your freight delivered. That’s a plus in today’s economy where fast delivery can make a profit for companies.

As for carrier performance, we’re among the top in the country, bringing decades of combined experience with every truck that hits the highways under the Great Western Transportation flag.

We look forward to talking to you about your shipping needs now and into the near future.

October 15, 2022 | | Category: General