Heavy Haul Trucking Beaumont TX

The business of heavy hauling is more complex than that of regular trucking and standard freight transportation. Before even starting to load the equipment, several state DOT compliance checks regarding weight and dimensions have to be made.

Federal, state and local governments require proper permitting for any oversize or overweight heavy hauling transport and other travel restrictions must be adhered to as well. Generally over-sized or overweight loads are referred to as non-legal loads. This simply means that the ordinary legal size and weight limits are exceeded for a road, highway or other transport infrastructure.

The Federal government is not responsible for the issuance of permits for OD or overweight heavy haul freight or loads. The state DOT is required to maintain their own set of state rules and regulations pertaining to oversize and overweight loads. The state DOT also issues overweight trucking permits on a case by case basis, based on numerous factors.

When you need to be aware of state regulations or law for oversize and over-weight shipping limitations or need general information about the limits and restrictions of these regulations, simply contact Great Western Transportation.

Our knowledge of the laws and the transportation requirements of each state the tractor trailer will travel through. This provides you with the assurance that we will make sure all the required and appropriate permits for the legal transportation of your load are in place.

Moving large and heavy freight may seem complex to most of the people out there, however consider the fact that heavy trucking companies move these over dimensional and overweight items every day. This should give you some assurance that these companies and their staff know what they are doing, simply because they have experience and background.

Heavy haul projects involve additional resources as opposed to regular freight moves. Generally the weight and dimensions require the use of  lifting equipment such as a crane or rigging or any other equipment used for heavy lift. Generally these devices are not common and must be reserved well in advance. The second factor due to the weight and dimensions of the freight may require permits to be secured prior to transport over the road. These permits are mostly issued by the state DOT (Department of Transportation), however a local city or municipality may require local permits also.

Do you need to ship a piece of large machinery or equipment from Beaumont, TX to a major port such as Philadelphia?
Used heavy equipment is a very popular export commodity these days, since many buyers from around the world buy via the Internet and then have the machinery delivered to the foreign destination.

The beginning of a machines export to a foreign destination is choosing the right heavy haul company that serves the US.

Specialized heavy haul shipments are exactly that, “specialized”. It takes a specialized company to handle oversize shipments, only experience and quality service provides this. Some heavy haul projects may require several trailers plus additional vehicles to support the heavy haul trailer. A great heavy haul trucking company handles the shipments many other companies do not have the equipment capacity for. No matter the size or weight, a reputable heavy haul company has the experience and knowledge of specialized transportation needed to offer a transport solution for your oversize shipment.

You will need a heavy hauler that has a flatbed fleet that includes not only traditional flatbed trailers, but also drop, double drop, step deck trailers and RGNs.

So if you need a heavy haul load originating from Sacramento, CA or Portland, OR to any destination in the US or Canada, plus all port cities such as Savannah,
contact Great Western Transportation.

Heavy Haul Price Quote

Heavy Haul Trucking Beaumont, TX
When you are gathering quotes for your heavy haul move in Beaumont, TX click above and get started.

Our staff has extensive experience that allows us to haul virtually all heavy freight from Beaumont, TX to anywhere in US and destinations to Canada. This includes: rail spurs or oceanic ports or warehouses to plus various locations throughout the United States and freight destined to Canada.

Useful Heavy Haul Tips

Following are some tips for companies and individuals new to shipping an oversize/overweight item.

Freight Value

The heavy haul trucking company should be fully aware of the value of the commodity or freight being moved. Any assumption regarding cargo value could lead to not having sufficient insurance coverage for the load. In case of severe freight damage or total freight loss or theft claims, there may not be enough insurance coverage to cover the claim. Always know the accurate value of the freight and let your Great Western Transportation freight consultant know the value from the onset.

Plan Well in Advance

As soon as you know your schedule, call Great Western Transportation immediately. The more notice you can provide for an upcoming over-dimensional or heavy haul shipment, the better. These loads often require specialized equipment that often is limited in supply. By notifying Great Western Transportation in advance, we can work to get the right trailer equipment on schedule, plus at the right price.

Obtaining Permits

State’s permit offices are your friends! The issuance of permits for OD/Heavy Haul shipments are handled at the individual state level. Some states handle permit requests very quickly, while others take longer. As a precaution, the larger the shipment, the longer it may take to finalize permits. The state will also decide which route the truck must follow, as well as determine if there are any travel restrictions in terms of hours. Often times, weekend and nighttime travel is restricted, as is holiday travel. We’ll let you know this up front, so you can effectively communicate with all parties involved.

Trailer Types

Popular heavy haul trailer types are: slide-axle, lowboys, lowbeds, RGNs and double drop-deck.

Heavy haul customers have unusually high expectations due to the fact the freight or load is often not replaceable if damaged. Thus heavy haul companies carry higher insurance coverage versus other types of tractor trailers operators.
When planning a heavy haul project and move, it is best to give yourself as much as possible planning and scheduling ahead of the actual move date. Ideally 14 to 21 days is minimum, but still acceptable in most cases.

Common case studies for heavy haul projects are:

  • Construction and Agricultural Equipment
  • Cranes
  • Mining Equipment
  • Storage Tanks
  • Caterpillar D9T move

A major manufacturer of high capacity heavy haul trailers is: Diamond Trailers Inc.

Other examples of Texas projects that required extensive heavy transport:

  • Brackenridge Apartments HVAC Phase 9
  • Bryan Municipal Service Center Fuel System
  • Hendrick Medical Center Southside Medical Office
  • UT Austin Littlefield Home Carriage House

Escort car and escort vehicle services are common in heavy haul transportation projects. These vehicles help to ensure the safety of the equipment being transported. Plus the heavy haul tractor trailer driver and the rest of the public on the road.

Anything Heavy that Needs to Be Hauled

Other Heavy Equipment Types

  • Boom Lift
  • Compactors
  • Feller Buncher
  • Forklift
  • Loader Backhoe
  • Log Skidder
  • Pavers
  • Pipe Layers
  • Skid Steers


From Construction and Agricultural Equipment to Aerospace Equipment the Great Western Transportation company has moved all major heavy equipment at a market based flatbed freight rate.

At Great Western Transportation we haul your heavy equipment like it was ours. Our dedicated staff will assign the ideal heavy haul trailer that will meet the requirements of most any heavy shipment.

1-800-972-8484 – Call your heavy haul trucking company for Beaumont, TX.